I don't usually post random thoughts or feelings, but I am so excited; I just printed out my Morrissey tickets and am going on April 7. When I was 16, I dreamt of having a son someday and naming him Morrissey. I actually ended up having two sons, neither of whom are named Morrissey. This fact, however, does not change the intense love I have for Morrissey and I have already warned my friend Katie that I will be sobbing and screaming through the first three or four songs at least. When I saw him with Brendan in 2007, he told all of his friends that I cried, lip synch and screamed through the entire concert. I think he was exaggerating.
UPDATE: Brendan read this and is wondering why I didn't name him Morrissey. He said that his first legal action as an 18 year old will be to change his name to Morrissey. Hopefully, he will outgrow this thought, just as I outgrew the thought to name him Morrissey in the first place. Stay tuned.