I had some girls over last weekend for some mosaic action. Claudia, Randie, and Amber are friends from Helzberg Diamonds.

It was fun to see what everyone chose to mosaic on and what themes they did for their pieces.

The sangria added to the fun. There's a lot going on at this work station.

I worked on a box for Lori's friend Ben, in LA. I was going for smoking jacket coolness with the Marilyn Monroe, reds and black.

No box would be complete without a big ass button.

Amber did a zen-like box for her mom. I can hardly wait to see this one grouted.

Randie did a spring break frame with a Vegas theme for her daughter's sorority auction.

This frame fits Claudia's personality perfectly. All kinds of action, never a dull moment, bling, glitz, you get the idea.

Her husband Jeff loves birds and this frame is for him. It's packed with references. Love it.

Randie needed her frame by the weekend, so she came over tonight to grout. The girls were skeptical, but I kept explaining that the grout pulls everything together and their pieces were going to look fa-bu-lous. Randie's frame turned out awesome and yes, she had to tell me I was right -- she loved it, too. Yeah!!!!!

She incorporated a lot of fun Vegas-themed stuff since some of the girls in the sorority are going there on spring break.

More Vegas style goodness. I will post pics of Claudia and Amber's pieces once they are grouted. We had a blast doing these mosaics and I can't wait until the next partay. And after Randie's smashing success with her frame, she's contemplating picking up some dishes to break on her own. Who says I'm not a good influence?