I do this heart again and again and no matter what part of the country I send them to, somebody out there as sick as I loves roaches.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
I Like Grout
Grouting is my favorite part of the mosaic process. It's when everything kind of comes together. Broken pieces and found objects pulled into a common piece . . .
And united again with the grout.
There's a time when it's all a mess; most of my students are sort of freaked out at this point, thinking that what they've worked so hard to glue together is ruined.

But little by little, as you buff away the grout, the objects peek through again.

Until the finished piece emerges.

I do this heart again and again and no matter what part of the country I send them to, somebody out there as sick as I loves roaches.

How awesome is this bottle of typewriter oil with the tiny cork plug?
I got a request last week from the shop in Los Gatos, California called Frank, "Send more Valentine hearts!" A fun piece any time of year.
Here's something I haven't done for a long time, switch plates.

Another day off tomorrow to continue the fun!
I do this heart again and again and no matter what part of the country I send them to, somebody out there as sick as I loves roaches.
mosaic heart,
mosaic switch plate
Friday, February 18, 2011
Puppy Love
I don't want to make fun of my friend, but she did make a tu-tu for her terrier, Zemi. I think she may need a hobby. Somebody who loves her dog that much needs a custom mosaic heart plaque!
Zemi, the rock star dog.

custom mosaic heart,
perfume bottle,
polymer clay
Sunday, February 13, 2011
I've brewed up my latest mosaic based on my buddy Sharon's inspiration over at Sweet Repose. Her candles and soaps are to die for!!!! Twilight is one of her latest creations inspired by those sexy vampires we love to see in cinema today.

Something about antlers made them feel appropriate for this piece.
I picked up this old tin on a recent shopping trip and the colors were perfect for this piece.
"I Heart Vampires"! I very rarely use glitter, but a healthy dose was fitting the magic I was going for in the piece.
Just one of a bunch of tiny bottles I found yesterday. Liquid still in-tact!
Here's a peek of Sharon's room at Sister's Garden in Iowa, a great shop I had the pleasure to visit back in 2009. I'm dying for a return trip!
I can't seem to shake the hearts, they are so much fun. Here's one I made for a woman at work who's getting ready to have a baby girl named Ava. What a gorgeous name.
Another tiny bottle found yesterday . . .

Still hammering out several pieces including a fun butter dish and after having sold some things at Frank in Los Gatos, CA, I need to ship some more out West. Wish I had more time . . .

Friday, February 11, 2011
I've Been Inked
Thanks to my friend, Evie, who told me about some press I received from local INK Magazine. I am flattered that my art made it on their list of 10 "Homegrown Gifts to Seduce Your Sweetie". Also featured is my uber talented friend Taylor Triano, textile artist:
Ink Magazine,
mosiac Valentine Heart,
Porn Star,
Taylor Triano
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Frame It Up
More custom frames on their way to South Carolina and hopefully warmer pastures . . . the high in Kansas City today was about 8!
This wedding frame was great fun to make and custom in every way.

I was going for some "WOW" with this frame of red and pinks.
Giant chunk of an old candy dish.
Isn't she cute?
I am a sucker for old bottles and this brown polish had the greatest red and black label.
I'm setting my sites on the dark side . . . a mirror with a Poe theme and maybe an "I heart vampires". I wish every day were Halloween!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Heart of Hope
My latest custom mosaic heart, shipping out soon.
I'm really excited about all of the bits and bobs in this piece.

Including this old tin and pressed board can. They don't make em' like this anymore.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
More Poetic Goodness
Sharon, Brandon, and I are having fun with poets. Sharon has her wonderful soaps and candles inspired by them, Brandon came back from market with some fabulous goodies, and I've been putting together a few frames. Anais Nin was a French born writer famous for her journals, starting when she was eleven, but she is most widely known for her erotica. Truly a woman before her time.
"Dreams are Necessary to Life". You bet they are.
There was something Frenchy and fun about this ballerina.
And I love incorporating perfume bottles still filled with liquid. So interesting.
The next frame plays on Sharon's inspiration, too, this one of George Sand. Sand was another French novelist, liberal in her views. She was known to wear men's clothes because they were sturdier and more comfortable and she had affairs for which she was unashamed. You go girl.
I am digging the funky metal wheat thing-a-ma-bobber. It was just right for this piece, completely non conforming to the conservative shape of the frame, just like George.

The entire quote is, "There is no greater pleasure than to love and be loved", but that was a mouthful for a frame, so the shortened version says it all.
Next, I just can't forget the one, the only, Edgar Allan Poe. I already have that one started. Not sure if Sharon will get into the action - what WOULD that scent smell like?!
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