Monday, April 29, 2013

Sarah's Style

Sarah Richardson is my favorite interior designer.  Creating children's spaces using colors that aren't typical is one of her signature moves.  When I got a call recently for a mosaic letter R for a nursery from one of my favorite customers, I was really excited that the color scheme was yellow and gray.  It also immediately reminded me of Sarah.  The reason it's so fun to use these non traditional kids room colors is that they transition well as the child gets older.  You can add and take things away from the room without changing everything about the space.  I can see this mosaic letter R in baby Riley's room, in 13 year old Riley's room, and even in 28 year old Riley's house someday!  Here's the goddess herself, Sarah Richardson.

And the mosaic letter R I did for Riley:

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I can see what you are saying by timeless. Great piece! And very creative. Nice to meet Sarah.
