Sunday, July 11, 2010

World Traveler

My husband, comic book writer Jason Aaron, recently did a blog post about my mosaic work here. Jason is co-creator on his critically acclaimed book, "Scalped". Jason writes it and the unbelievably talented RM Guera draws it. Below is Guera's gritty style come to life.

In his post about me, Jason featured a "Dad" picture frame I had sent to Los Gatos for sale in Kristy Kent's store "Frank". The frame sold right away, but Guera inquired, so I made him the frame below. I am thrilled to be sending it all the way to his home in Spain and even more thrilled to know that such an accomplished artist was interested in one of my pieces.

And I have a friend headed to visit Williamston, Michigan this week. I was talking with her recently about wanting to expand my store presence throughout the U.S. and she offered to take a few of my pieces with her to show to shop owners. How cool is that?! Below is a little heart I've packed up for shipment up north.

I love the tiny utensils.

And this switch plate has a heavy metal finial topper. Very fun!

I didn't want to load her down with too much, but the last of three pieces is this cute lil' frame that features a funky cologne bottle. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

And I need to build my inventory all over the place. I think I'll send this cock a doodle doo plaque to Iowa.

This small magnetized plaque is for a blogland friend!!!!

And this frame is for a charity auction. Amy Hopper from Amaze donated the snazzy brooch.

My busy weekend included a mosaic class with my great friend Laura. I'll post a pic of her finished piece once she gets it grouted.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really inspired by your work! You are so creative and use your imagination to make your mosaics! Thanks for mentioning me in the previous post! You're a dear! Will visit your husband's blog now! Patsy from
