Sunday, January 17, 2010

New Discoveries

Stuff, a fabulous store in Brookside, Missouri, is crammed full of wondrous original works of art by local, national and international artists. They're clearing out the old to make room for the new and I'm excited about doing a complete refresh on my inventory. I'll start out with some Valentine hearts.

I got the great figurine yesterday at Westport on Broadway Antiques for less than a buck.

And another twist on the same phrase. My Etsy friend, Becky, from Wisconsin sent me the pink plastic dancers awhile ago. Look closely, there are two in the plaque below. These will go to Stuff tomorrow and I've glued another heart I'll grout tomorrow. Although exciting, it will be a challenge to build my inventory - so many projects, so little time.

And a big thanks to my fabulous husband, Jason Aaron, comic book creator extraordinaire, and keeper of many things, including my ipod. Although there's nothing wrong with my old favorites like The Smiths and the Cocteau Twins, if I was ever going to move past Billy Bragg and out of 1986, I needed some help. My new favorite bands are The Do (pronounced doe), and The XX. Jason checked out some "best of" lists and took cues from Robert Moore of Sonic Spectrum to purchase new music that is left of the dial, just like me. Thanks, babe.


  1. I must be really left of the dial, I've never heard of any of them...ha! I never really have time to check out anything new, unless it's on my daughter's ring tone...

    Love the new stuff...funny, I have a little 'Kelly' pile being compiled too, for the next time we set the town on fire. Girl, you are so creative, we all love your stuff and I'm with ya on the time race, there's never enough!

    Goin' to Sister's Wednesday, I'll send ya pics...

    Later sista...s

  2. It's me again...I just checked out the post below and OMG...that lil' doll with the HUGE legs...I hope she's in your collection...we would've had a cat fight over that one...we could be dangerous shopping together...LOL!

    ...and too about the music thing... yesterday I did check out this 15 year old ukulele master Killian Mansfield, his stuff is awesome, however it's a sad tale of a musician's sorrow, Killian died of a rare form of cancer at the age of 15, but his music will live on...check him kinda stuff!

