Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Spoiled Rotten

Today is my birthday and I am one lucky chick. When I got to work this morning, I was blown away by the pile of cards, gifts, and the birthday banner hung across my door. I'm the HR Manager for about 70 people and there are days when I feel like I wouldn't exactly win a popularity contest. HR is a tough biz and you don't always give employees the answers they'd like to hear. I was so touched by all of the well wishes and I felt like a celebrity all day long! Working with people you truly enjoy is a gift and I am so lucky!

The pampering didn't stop at work. Far be it from little old ME to sound materialistic, but I scored some awesome loot -- my husband is a master gift-giver and he knows exactly what I like!! Happy birthday to me!! This little ornament was made by one of my favorite Etsy artists, Jeanette Janson (http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=54009)

Here's the back of the ornament. She is going to be displayed all year long. I have a deep love for anything broken, rusty, worn, or tarnished. Yeah!

The card that came with the ornament explained that it was made from a Frozen Charlotte doll that had been rescued from the site of an old German doll factory. Is that not the coolest?!

And a painting from one of my other faves -- Vivienne Strauss(vivstrauss.etsy.comvivstrauss.etsy.com). The name of this painting is "Suki was much more than the fashion plate everyone assumed her to be". I will own many of her paintings before I'm through!!

Jason also bought me lots of beads for the mosaics. Does he know me or what?! And these came with this tag -- I really appreciate artists and suppliers that add those special touches. The beads were bought here: http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=64473

Awesome photo by NestaUSA on where else? Etsy, of course: http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5330352. I'm anxious to get it matted and framed. So many possibilities . . .

And just what I wanted!! The first season of "The Minor Accomplishments of Jackie Woodman", a Sundance original series. If you haven't caught this show you MUST check it out! I also got a new Lucinda Williams CD and one by Amy Winehouse before she fell of the perverbial deep end, bless her heart.

And finally, Dash dancing around the kitchen on my birthday in my husband's shoes. So cute! This is really going to be one birthday to remember!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday! Your husband did very well with his gift choices! I love Vivienne's paintings.
    Thanks for visiting my blog.
